Whitfield Academy Vision and Mission Statement
School Overall Vision
An “Independent Academy” of choice striving to build and inculcate amongst learners, a sense of pride, self-worth, innovation, creative thinking, hard work, dedication and faith to achieve excellence in all aspects of life, for active socio-economic emancipation and a sense of community building and engagement.
High School Mission
- To nurture learners to achieve excellence and to embrace all opportunities that come with the forth industrial revolution, the computer of things and the STEAM programme in the 21st century that enhances academic, physical, and emotional growth.
- To provide a curriculum that is content-rich and intellectually challenging to build leadership opportunities and self-reliance.
- To build a learning and teaching environment that creates opportunities for all learners to reach their full potential and gear them for proper adulthood.
- To develop amongst all learners a sense of pride, stewardship and community service
- To instil an innovative and creative mindset amongst all learners to actively take part in the socio-economic world of constant change and challenges.
- To instil a value of faith that encourages hard work and dedication
- Understand the value of service in school and the wider community
- To nurture a 21st-century learner through the use of Mathematics, Technology, Arts and Science at their advanced and further stages of development
Primary School Mission
- To develop eager learners who are able to engage meaningfully with all aspects of numeracy and literacy.
- To encourage classroom reading corners through the “Drop everything and read campaign”
- To build a student force at the foundation phase that is able to read with understanding
- To foster the love and proficiency in English as mother tongue and language of instruction.
- To build and develop individual leadership skills.
- To instil a value of faith that encourages hard work and dedication
- Understand the value of service in school and the wider community
- To nurture a 21st-century learner through the use of Mathematics, Technology, Arts and Science at the foundation stages of development
Grade RR-R Mission
- To mould and nurture confident and happy children with exposure to a variety of fine psycho-motor activities inside and outside of the classroom.
- To nurture socio-emotional development by instilling a sense of culture through songs, play and creative arts.
- To build a safe and free learning environment that encourages creativity, innovation, free-thinking and happy minds
- To develop basic literacy, numeracy and communication skills by fostering a love for the English language.
- To nurture a 21st-century learner through the use of Creative Arts, Music, Science and Technology at elementary stages of development