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Excellent In Education
Whitfield Academy

New applications for Grades RR – 7 in 2023 are now invited.

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Excellent In Education
Whitfield Academy

New applications for Grades RR – 7 in 2023 are now invited.

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Thank you for showing an interest in Whitfield Academy. Parents and Legal Guardians who register their children at the academy are choosing a school community that upholds the following three values, faith, excellence and a deep sense of community. Our motto, “Learning today…Leading tomorrow” says a mouthful.

Whilst deeply entrenched in Curriculum Management and Monitoring, Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Computer of Things, Reading/Writing with Understanding, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, Whitfield Academy is an institution of choice ready to nurture and mould young minds into proper adulthood. To ensure that every child benefits from a quality, holistic education, and to remain competitive and relevant, Whitfield Academy follows best practices and is guided by the South African Policy Directives and UMALUSI as an accreditation body.

NOTICE – 30 July 2022

*Please be advised that our offline and online admissions are currently open, the process will only take 30 days to unfold and thereafter no additional applications would be processed.*

An application form may be downloaded below.

*Please be advised that your application will not be considered unless it is submitted with all the relevant requested information/ documentation.*

New applications for Grades RR – 7 in 2022 are now invited. 


Remarks From Our Principal

On behalf of the school community, at Whitfield Academy, I am happy and honoured to have joined the academy from the 17 of May 2021 as a principal up to date. I trust and believe that with my Management and Leadership experience, my due presence and as a member of the team would yield the desired outcomes and make the learning and teaching experience for both teachers and learners an exciting one in the era of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.

Allow me to welcome you to the 2021-22 school year! We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure that our children can achieve their highest potential. We recognize that in order to be successful and excellent at school, our learners need sustained support from both home and school. We know that a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in our learner’s education.

As partners, we share the responsibility for our learner’s success and we want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.

See More Remarks

We ask that you guide and support your children’s learning by ensuring that they:

1) Attend school daily and arrive on time, ready for the day’s learning experience
2) Complete all homework assignments given by teachers
3) Read daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills
4) Share school experiences with you so that you are aware of their school life
5) Inform you if they need additional support in any area or subject
6) Know that you expect them to succeed in school and progress further to institutions of higher learning

Please consider joining our new Whitfield Academy Parents Voluntary Association, as our learners can greatly benefit from your involvement and contributions to the school’s program and its operations. We seek parent volunteers to help us with the following activities:

1) Teacher-led instructional support, usually in the classroom
2) Reading with children who need extra help
3) School-wide events
4) Student recognition events
5) Outreach and recruitment of parent and community volunteers

A copy of our School Rules and Code of Conduct is readily available so that you and your child can review them together. If you have any questions about the rules and expectations, please feel free to contact me or to discuss them with your child’s teacher. It is very important that you and your child are fully informed regarding standards related to appropriate behaviour for a safe and productive school year. The wonderful Whitfield Academy staff members and I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to collaborating with you to achieve excellence in all learner’s fields.

By – Mr. I. M. Monareng
Principal of Whitfield Academy

School Overall Vision

An “Independent Academy” of choice striving to build and inculcate amongst learners, a sense of pride, self-worth, innovation, creative thinking, hard work, dedication and faith to achieve excellence in all aspects of life, for active socio-economic emancipation and a sense of community building and engagement.

High School Mission

  • To nurture learners to achieve excellence and to embrace all opportunities that come with the fourth industrial revolution, the computer of things and the STEAM programme in the 21st century that enhances academic, physical, and emotional growth.
  • To provide a curriculum that is content-rich and intellectually challenging to build leadership opportunities and self-reliance.
  • To build a learning and teaching environment that creates opportunities for all learners to reach their full potential and gear them for proper adulthood.
  • To develop amongst all learners a sense of pride, stewardship and community service
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  • To build a learning and teaching environment that creates opportunities for all learners to reach their full potential and gear them for proper adulthood.
  • To develop amongst all learners a sense of pride, stewardship and community service
  • To instil an innovative and creative mindset amongst all learners to actively take part in the socio-economic world of constant change and challenges.
  • To instil a value of faith that encourages hard work and dedication
  •  Understand the value of service in school and the wider community
  • To nurture a 21st century learner through the use of Mathematics, Technology, Arts and Science at their advanced and further stages of development

Primary School Mission

  • To develop eager learners who are able to engage meaningfully with all aspects of numeracy and literacy.
  • To encourage classroom reading corners through the “Drop everything and read campaign
  • To build a student force at the foundation phase that is able to read with understanding
  • To foster the love and proficiency in English as mother tongue and language of instruction.
  • To build and develop individual leadership skills.
  • To instil a value of faith that encourages hard work and dedication
  • Understand the value of service in school and the wider community
  • To nurture a 21st-century learner through the use of Mathematics, Technology, Arts and Science at the foundation stages of development

Grade RR-R Mission

  • To mould and nurture confident and happy children with exposure to a variety of fine psycho-motor activities inside and outside of the classroom.
  • To nurture socio-emotional development by instilling a sense of culture through songs, play and creative arts.
  • To build a safe and free learning environment that encourages creativity, innovation, free-thinking and happy minds
  • To develop basic literacy, numeracy and communication skills by fostering a love for the English language.
  • To nurture a 21st-century learner through the use of Creative Arts, Music, Science and Technology at elementary stages of development