Foundation Phase

The Foundation Phase (Grade R – 3) spans the child’s first few years of formal schooling. Vital skills, knowledge, attitudes and values are established during these years. During this Phase we lay the foundation for each child to achieve success in Literacy and Mathematics, and to develop healthy self-esteem, good work ethic, social skills and love of learning (Life Skills). We make every effort to recognise, acknowledge and develop the strengths, talents and potential of our young learners.

Each grade at Whitfield Academy in the Foundation Phase has one class, with approximately 30 children in each class. Each class is taught by a suitably qualified, dedicated Foundation Phase teacher and an Assistant to help with slow learners. A senior teacher in each grade fulfils the important role of Grade Leader, and there is one experienced Foundation Phase Head of Department.

Currently designed to fulfil the requirements of the Revised National Curriculum Statement (NCS), from January 2016 our Curriculum will also align with the recently published National Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement.

The Foundation Phase curriculum is enriched and supported by weekly sessions in our well-equipped classrooms, Enrichment and Remedial classes, Sports Skills, Gymnastics, Class Music, Library and Afrikaans lessons, all taken by specialists in each field. Foundation Phase pupils are able to choose from a wide variety of extra-mural activities. Curriculum-linked outings, visiting speakers, our Community Outreach Programme and the various charities supported by each grade further enrich and complement learning and the holistic development of each child.

We stand by the words of our school motto: “Learning Today Leading Tomorrow”, and take pleasure and pride in nurturing and supporting our young learners as they begin to develop their potential and equip themselves for the exciting journey of lifelong learning to be Great Leaders.